WHO: Thousands of New Yorkers and holiday guests.
WHAT: Macy's 43rd Fireworks show, which will include more than 70,000 shells.
WHEN: 9:20 p.m. on the Fourth. You can plan on the show lasting about a half hour.
WHERE: The pyrotechnics will be set off on barges stationed along the East River between Broad Street and the Brooklyn Bridge. The folks at Macy's have created public viewing areas along the FDR Drive in lower Manhattan. (But really any area with an unobstructed view of the sky from the lower part of the East River or below the Brooklyn bridge should be a-okay.) Click here for where to find Macy's set viewing points. Oh--and we can't stress this enough: get there early!
WHY: To celebrate America, people!
Have a happy, loving, fun-filled and SAFE Fourth of July, everyone!
Your friends at the Washington Square Hotel